Tag Archives: newsbrief

Interview with UCD Grad Ryan Shaw on Sexual Stereotypes

In modern day exists the popular sexual stereotype that women want stable and committed relationships whereas men want multiple sexual partners. Anthropologist Ryan Schacht and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder challenge this stereotype in their paper “Explaining Sex Differentiated Behavior in Humans: Sex Ration Effects on Reproductive Strategies”. Image from: savvyboheme.com/...

Interview with Author Temple Grandin

This news brief includes an interview with Temple Grandin on her book "Thinking in Pictures." The explanation of what it means to "think in pictures" is discussed, as well as the vastness of the autism spectrum and how to treat people on the spectrum. Image from: Amazon...

50 Shades of Grey Protest

On February 14, members of Stop Patriarchy gathered at a theater in Oakland to protest the showing of the new film 50 Shades of Grey. Stop Patriarchy is a nationwide group that fights for the end of women enslavement. Image from: www.finnkinomedia.fi/...


On January 29th the UC Davis Student government passed Senate Resolution #9, an advisory resolution that asks the University of California to divest from four American Companies that aid in the Israeli occupation of Palestine and illegal settlements in Palestinian territories, violating international humanitarian rights. Leaders of the UC Davis...

Valentine’s Day Special

What if us hopeless romantics were right, what if partners in romantic relationships did synchronize heartbeats? UC Davis professor of Psychology, Emillio Ferrer, worked with his colleagues and his students in a study on how romantic couples synced emotionally and physiologically. Image from: artemisdenver.com/...

Davis Wildlife

This news brief discusses larger Davis wildlife, and how they are handled as well as possible benefits they may bring. Interviews with professors and wildlife specialist are also included. Image from: public-works.cityofdavis.org/...

UC Davis Red Dress Collection

The UC Davis red dress collection is the first program in the nation dedicated to women's heart health. Launched by a UC Davis cardiologist and partly put on by the UC Davis department of fashion design, students create a collection of red dresses to raise awareness of heart health disease....

UC Davis Dining Commons

This news brief discusses how UC Davis' dining commons are different compared to general restaurants. Interviews with students, professors, and staff are also included. Image from: www.skwarchitects.com/...

Jewish Fraternity Vandalism

Rebecca Miller, KDVS News reporter, interviewed divestment movement members who shared their thoughts on the recent vandalism of Jewish Fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi. Image from: Davis Wiki...