Friday Night Metal

Malefactor & Pirate of the High Frequenseas & polluter & The Blasphemer



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Friday 8/23/2024 @ 8:00PM - 10:00PM
Big|Brave The Fable of Subjugation Nature Morte Thrill Jockey 2023
Sumac Yellow Dawn The Healer Thrill Jockey 2024
Neurosis Locust Star Trough Silver in Blood Relapse 1996
Zeni Geva Heathen Blood Desire For Agony Alternative Tentacles 1993
Aseethe The Air is Caving In The Cost Thrill Jockey 2024
Thou Narcissist's Prayer Umbilical Sacred Bones 2024
Burmese 20 Missiles Later Monkey Tears Man to Shreds, Man Never Forgives Ape, Man Destroys Environment tUMULT 2000
Cough Crippled Wizard Ritual Abuse Relapse Records 2010
Thorr's Hammer Troll Dommedagsnatt Southern Lord 1996
Corrupted Dios Injusto 7" Frigidity Discos 1999
Godflesh Avalanche Master Song S/T Swordfish Records 1988
Endon Hit Me Fall of Spring Thrill Jockey 2024
Ash Borer In the Midst of Life, We are Death S/T Pesanta Urfolk 2014; orig 2011
Sutekh Hexen- The Hermitic Luciform Wands 2011
Orannsi Pazuzu Valotus Muuntautuja pre-release track Due out October 2024
Wolves in the Throne Room Primal Chasm (Gift Of Fire) Primordial Arcana Relapse Records 2024
Khanate Wings From Spine Clean Hands Go Foul Hydra Head Records 2009