harsh realm




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Wednesday 6/19/2024 @ 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Patio Rel;ics Collection Firetalk
Cayetana Scott, Get the van, I'm Moving Nervous Like Me album debut 2014 philly rock, broke up in 2019
Sincere Engineer Trust Me Bless My Psyche emo, chicago
Hop Along How Simple Bark your head off 2011? indie rock phillie
Pom Pom Squad Drunk Voicemail Death of a Cheerleader indie rock/grunge brooklyn new york solo project of Mia Berrin
Good Luck Stars Were Exploding Into Lake Griffy 2008 pop punk bloomington indiana
New Creases Not Coming With New Creases 2009 columbus ohio
Allfits Renocerate Torpedo Holiday 2013 madrid, yeah yeah yeahs sound
fellicette palpitations Go To Hell Everything Sucks music London, 2023
Nicola Leel Capable Single April 2024 release, NYC
Happy Accidents Wait it Out Everything but the here and now SR london, 2018
Spici Water Tonight Single SR indie rock perth
Nervous Dater Fun Dumpster Dont be a stranger 2017 brooklyn emo
Weakened Friends Quitter Quitter Don Giovanni 2021, Portland Maine
Shit Present Unraveling What Still Gets Me Specialist Subject Records May 2023 3 piece punk from southwest england
Thin Lips Never Again Riff Hard Lame-O Records phillie 2016
Kississippi Cut Yr Teeth Sunset Blush Bug Crusher Records 2018, indie pop phillie
Worriers They Them Theirs Imaginary Life Don Giovanni 2015, queercore punk brooklyn
Dog Park Diussidents Toxic High Risk Homosexual Behavior Nerd Cave Recordings 2019, queercore from all over america
Butch Baby Running into Your Mom at at AA meeting Stoned Butch Blues SR 2018, Allston MA sax
Peach Ringss Im going to be a girl for Halloween October Again 2020 SR boone NC, tgirl powerpop/emo
GOCK My Mommy Dom SPit in my mouth and Now I'm a Commie A Handful 2022 SR Boise Idaho, 3 trans women
Bone Haus Rot Rot 2024 SR boise idahoMarch 2024
Plum Vision Give Girls Money Give Girls Money EP 2022 boise Idaho
Mandias Dorowned in Sun Take the Crae You've Never Given SR 2023 boise idaho 2023
Rat Champion Flux Flux Mishap Records 2023 boise idaho
Throwing Up Red Ribbon Over You 2013 SR english punk
Claws Bad Luck Single 2015 SR Norwich, UK
Personal Best Conkers The Lovin 2014 SR UK classic rock for tragic lesbians
Charmpit Bridges Go Burn Cause a Stir Specilist subject records 2020 London femme punk
The Hussy Drumroll SOng Volar EP Volar Records 2015, Madison WI
Mary's Kids Fubar Death in Suburbia Beluga Music 2015, punk rock sweden
DOTT Floating Arrows Heart Swell Graveface Records 2018, harmony driven guitar pop from ireland
The Huile My Vanity The Huile SR 2020, SF
Never Betters Suffer Guns & Roses Roses SR 2018, Ontario
Tape Girl Half Pipe (The art of vocal feminization) Single SR for Bad Tim eRecords ACLU fundraising record 2023
Team Dresch 107 Captain My Captain Chainsaw/Candy Ass 1995