
I'll start the show with the connection between extreme heat and how it often leads to various states of irritation, stress, aggression and worse. The summers in Kuwait are like a furnace and people are reacting accordingly. How about the folks who make the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia? The intense heat is getting worse and an article appearing on the Yale Climate Connection website and written by Jeff Masters and Bob Henson on July 15th, 2021, project increased warmth are potentially leading to dangerous levels of heat stress during upcoming pilgrmages to Meccca. Next, we'll head up to Yakutsk, Siberia. This city typically records some of the lowest winter temperatures on the planet. However, during both winter and summer, periods of atypical warmth are leading to diminished amounts of permafrost and this is leading to difficult circumstances for those who call the region home. The next topic will shift over to the first transcontinental trip made by an automobile. This monumental event took place in 1903 - it took 63 days for the trip to be completed - quite a feat considering very few roads existed at the time.The last topic of the show will focus on a rampaging elephant in southern India that has currenetly claimed the lives of 11 villagers...



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Monday 7/29/2024 @ 6:00AM - 8:00AM
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