
This edition of TBA will begin with the recent killing of a 71 year old woman by a black bear in Downieville, CA (northern Sierra). Evidently, this was the first fatal black bear attack in recent CA history. Next - the "magical" traits/qualites of bears will be covered as unique to various parts of the world. Did you know the teddy bear was named after Theodore Roosevelt? Addiional animal related subject matter will be covered as we learn about the ins and outs of the Platypus. We'll leave the animal kingdom behind and narrow in on the many benefits of extra virgin olive oil. On the June 10th edition of TBA, I spoke of a highly respected, inspiring and influential radio broadcaster by the name of Paul Harvey. My weekly top ten list will narrow in on ten of his most memorable quotes. Have you ever heard of the ACME corporation? If you're a fan of The Roadrunner Show (1966 - 1973), you'll certainly remember that Wile E. Coyote's main purpose in life was to annihilate the roadrunner using ACME products. However, ACME never existed - it's entirely fictional. Speaking of ACME, I'll play an episode of The Adventures of Maisie entitled "The ACME Surplus Truck Driver" aired on December 8th, 1949. Next - the changes brought about by the Rural Electrification Administration in 1935 will be discussed. Bringing electricity to rural areas and farms led to significant changes in the lives of those who had lived without the benefits of electricity prior to the REA...



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Monday 6/17/2024 @ 6:00AM - 8:00AM
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