Friday Night Metal

Malefactor & Pirate of the High Frequenseas & polluter & The Blasphemer

The Malefactor presides over tonight's ritual once more. The usual bounty of new and time-tested releases with a spotlight on upcoming concerts in the Sacramento area await ye.

Behold the Malefactor's unholy presence here

Bands and labels, submit your music for airplay to:

University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
ATTN: Metal Department



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Friday 6/14/2024 @ 8:00PM - 10:00PM
Demoncy Sepulcrum Spectra Diabolica Blasphemiae Hell's Headbangers Stellar 2023 EP from the USBM legends. who are playing Sacramento next Friday (June 21st) at Cafe Colonial on Stockton Blvd with Abhorrency, Slege, and Goatcorpse.
Between the Killings Details of Sadistic Killings Omnipotence Comatose Music Brand new EP, the second release from the Indiana brutal death machine.
Hemotoxin Conscious Descent When Time Becomes Loss Pulverised Records Another brand new one, this from the leading force of death/thrash out of Northern California. Fourth full-length album.
Diabolic Denounce God City of the Dead [Reissue] Vic Records Reissue of the cult classic 1997 demo from this Florida death metal band featuring earlier demos and unreleased material. A necessity for adherents to the old ways of pulverizing death metal aggression.
Archgoat Heavens Ablaze Worship the Eternal Darkness Debemur Morti 2021 release from the Finnish masters.
Despondency Image of the Ungodly Matriphagy New Standard Elite Long-awaited full-length return of the German Brutal Death Metal legends.
Tithe Pseudologia Fantastica Inverse Rapture Profound Lore Portland's Black/Death/Grind horde will be performing at Sacramento's Cafe Colonial on tour with Vulnere and local support from Embodied Torment on August 1st. 2023 release.
Vulnere Devious Indoctrination of Outer World Evil Toothed Lines Total Dissonance Worship 2023 EP from the Portland death metal act on tour with Tithe this August.
Ceremonial Bloodbath Mutilation of Sacrifice Genesis of Malignant Entropy Sentient Ruin Laboratories 2023 release. Playing Cafe Colonial on tour on July 18th with Abstracter and more.
Funeral Chant Oneiric Perversion Dawn of Annihilation Carbonized 2021. Funeral Chant return to Sacramento along with Weregoat, Abhorrency, and Deiphage on August 30th at the Starlet Room.
Deiphage Crucified in Razorwire Unholy Death Quadrumvirate Independent From the four-way split with Abhorrency, Horns Against Heaven, and Declension.
Abhorrency Abhorrency Climax of Disgusting Impurities Goat Throne/Stygian Black Hand/Sentient Ruin 2022 debut.
Enthroned Deny The Holy Book of Lies Prophecies of Pagan Fire Osmose 1995 debut album.
Darkmoon Writhing Glory Seas of Unrest Music For Nations 1999 cult album featuring Jon Vesano, who would shortly thereafter go on to play for several years with Nile.
Ancient Guard A Moonscape Abyss Nightfall Enthroned Iron Bonehead Productions Brand new release of epic, melodic black metal. A project of Nightwolf (best known for Runespell).
Grave Heresy Attenuating the Flesh Threshold Incineration Victory Godz ov War Productions Pummeling new release, the first from this Swedish Black/Death band.
Misanthropic War Siege and Incinerate Utter Human Annihilation Godz ov War Productions Relentlessly blasting drum machine war metal that is effective enough to sound like the black/death counterpart to the extremely praiseworthy Infernal Pyre.
Magnanimus The Lugubrious Abomination of Torment - Funeral of the Cristence Impure Ways Beyond Shadows Rawforce Productions Merciless death metal in the broad South American tradition. 2018 release.
Syndexioi Blades of Acragas Devouring Slumber Independent 2024 release of ambient/black/doom metal from this one-man Norwegian project.
Summoning Might and Glory Oath Bound Napalm 2006.