Lettuce Listen


Have you ever felt like loafing around, chilling, kicking back or vegging out? I certainly have. I'm willing to bet most folks have felt like loungng around while tossing responsiblities to the wind for an undetermined amount of time. Is it okay to favor an "idle" lifestyle as opposed to playing the role of a hamster on a treadmill? Everything in moderation is - so "they" say, an effective way to conduct your affairs. If you spend too much of your time avoiding work, folks may consider you as being lazy. Then again, all work and no play, makes Jack (or Jill) a dull boy (or girl). The virtues of idleness will be highlighted during today's show as I'll be reading entries from a book entitled "The Idler's Companion, An Anthology of Lazy Literature". The book was published in 1997. As the title denotes, idleness and laziness are key components of the material to be found in this book....


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Tuesday 5/28/2024 @ 8:00AM - 9:00AM
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