Lettuce Listen


A big chunk of todays show will focus on Fund Raising activities with my co- host, sillycy - yee hah!!. I'm sure we'll have some time to read a few strange and mysterious short stories from a book entiitled "Atlas Obscura, an Explorer's Guide to the World's Hidden Wonders". The tales are very short - a more accurate description would perhaps be "tidbits". These "mini stories" cover 7 of the 8 continents of the world. Scientists have determined there are actually 8 continents on Earth.Have you ever heard of "Zealandia?" Evidently, a period of 375 years had elapsed before scientists determined a group of islands similar to New Zealand could be clumped together forming an actual continent. Zealandia is mostly underwater and is about 6 times the size of Madagascar. Madagascar encompasses 226,917 square miles. With this in mind, Zealandia is mighty big!


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Tuesday 4/23/2024 @ 8:00AM - 9:00AM
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