
 Does anyone out there know what the science of body language is? I do - it's called "Kinesics". Essentially, kinesics encompasses the study of non verbal communication - often focusing on body language. We have a lot to say about the way we feel and present ourselves to others without actually using spoken language to do so. I mean, do you ever role your eyes, cross your arms or use your middle finger to ..enough said.. Another example of body languate is the common wave of the hand. Speaking of waves, the next topic will wash over to the type of wave that one sees while walking along the seashore. Fortunately, the average type of wave with nothing to prove causually makes its way across the ocean and floats up onto the shoreline with little if any dispruption to the ecosystem in general. However, down in the dangerous, stormy, frigid, tumultous area between 40 degrees and 50 degrees south latitude (known as the "Roaring Forties"). massive waves have toppled many a ship as time has passed. An article published on 04.12,.24 entitled "Australian Scientists Discover What Drives the Formation of Giant Waves" appearing in a publication entitled "Meteoed" will shed light on the mechanism(s) that motivate these scary waves to pester the "Southern Ocean" and scattered areas across the planet as well.  Have you ever wondered why some countries require drivers to head down the right side of the road and some require drivers to head down the left side of the road? If so, you may be interested in a recent article appearing in ZME Science that clarifies this situatioin. Next - the weekly top ten list might spur your sweet tooth into action as ten of the most popular desserts in the United States will come your way. Hopefully your sweet tooth (teeth?) will have been satisfied as the next topic will leave the desserts in the desert dust and move into the world of the FBI. Certainly the FBI plays a major role in various aspects of protecting the public at large from a variety of disturbances having the potential to negatively impact people's quality of life. However, akin to who knows how many agencies, departments, organizations, corporations (the list goes on and on and on and..), the FBI has been rife with corruption, disruption, deviance and misdeeds since the founding of the organization by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908. Next - the topic of the show will continue to focus on the FBI. I plan on playing an episode of "This is Your FBI" first aired on March 14th, 1947 entitled "The Fugitive Pirate"...



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Monday 6/03/2024 @ 6:00AM - 8:00AM
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