Teenage Angst for the 20-Something

DJ Megatron


Alt Rock & Folk & Indie Pop

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Monday 9/11/2023 @ 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Tanukichan The Best Sundays
Soft Blue Shimmer Chihiro Heaven Inches Away
Saint Motel Fine Wine fine Wine
Deb Never Momentary Sweetheart Momentary Sweetheart
No Vacation How How
Patrick Martin Dandelion Eyes Dandelion Eyes
Famous Friend Tanlines Tanlines
Dev Lemons Think About It Delusional
Nothing Famine Asylum The Great Dismal
Narrow Head Moments of Clarity Moments of Clarity
Whirr Ease Whirr and Nothing
Mini Trees Moments In Between Always in Motion
Slowdive Chained to a Clud everything is alive
Launder Chipper Happening