This, That And the Other


The show will be comprised of blues/jazz songs recorded by the Paramount Record Company between 1928 and 1932. Paramount was an American Record Label known for its recordings of jazz and blues in the 1920's and the 1930's. They began operation in 1917 and went out of business in 1932. The songs I'll be playing were recorded in the four year period before the company went out of business in 1932.



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Wednesday 7/12/2023 @ 3:00PM - 5:00PM
Skip James I'm So Glad
Wilmer Watts and the Lonely Eagles Knocking Down Casey
Mississippi Sheiks Please Baby
The Famous Blue Jay Singers of Birmingham Alabama Clanka A Lanka (Sleep on Mother)
Charley Patton I'm Goin' Home
Dixie Four Five O' Clock Stomp
Clifford Gibson Tired of Being Mistreated
Carver Boys Tim Brook
Jabo Williams Jab Blues
Elvie Thomas Motherless Child Blues
Bob Coleman Tear it Down
Soileau and Robin Easy Rider Blues
Bessie Mae Smith and Wesley Wallace St. Louis Daddy
Lottie Kimbrough Rolling Log Blues
Cow Cow Davenport Chimes Blues
Edward Thompson West Virginia Blues
Biddleville Quintette Wasn't That a Mighty Day
Blind Blake and Charlie Spade Hastings Street
Emry Arthur Reuben Oh Reuben
Skip James Special Rider Blues
Ollie Hess Mammie's Lullaby
King Solomon Hill The Gone Dead Train
Blind Arthur Groom and Brother Blind Roosevelt Graves Take Your Burdens to the Lord
Blind Leroy Garnett Louisiana Glide
Winston Homes and Charley Turner Rounders Lament
Willie Brown M & O Blues
Norfolk Jazz Quartet Oh, What is the Matter
Frank Palmes Troubled 'bout My Soul