Friday Night Metal

Malefactor & Pirate of the High Frequenseas & polluter & The Blasphemer

The Malefactor returns swiftly in triumph at the fore of a furious host, mighty in arms. The blaring of a thousand trumpets shall herald the defeat of any foolish enough to resist. Excoriating blast beats and tempos of raging force await ye this night.

Behold the Malefactor's unholy presence here

Bands and labels, submit your music for airplay to:

University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
ATTN: Metal Department



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Friday 9/01/2023 @ 8:00PM - 10:00PM
RIOT CITY Lucky Diamond ELECTRIC ELITE no remorse records Blazing 2022 album of traditional, high-flying heavy metal.
Edge of Sanity Darkday The Spectral Sorrows Black Mark 1993.
Wretched Stench Penanggalan Weaving a Web of Viscera Killer new debut EP from this Bay Area OSDM outfit.
Oppressor As Blood Flows Solstice of Oppression Red Light 1994 debut of the cult death metal act.
Solstice Neither Time Nor Tide Lamentations Candlelight 1994.
Samael Bestial Devotion Blood Ritual Century Media 1992.
Rebaelliun Annihilation Annihilation Hammerheart 2001 masterpiece kicking off our foray into the field of relentless speed and blasting born of the late nineties. Some call it "trench metal," other pejoratively refer to it as "blasturbation." If you like it, it may be the most adrenaline-inducing of all extreme metal styles when done well. Rebaelliun were masters of the craft.
Beyond Mortal Dreams Abomination of the Flames Abomination of the Flames Lavadome Masterful, atmospheric, evocative, truly aggressive 2022 release from this Australian powerhouse.
Putridity Molten Mirrors of the Subjugated Greedy Gory Gluttony Willowtip One of two brand-new tracks on this 2023 EP.
Cambion Cities of Brass Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium Lavadome Another crushing death metal release on Lavadome Productions. Stellar 2021 album.
Ophiolatry Cauterization Transmutation Forces of Satan 2008 release of uniquely pulverizing Brazilian death metal. Neither a Krisiun-clone nor a standard Brutal Death Metal outfit, the aggression and dexterous fury of this album stands apart from the crowd.
Imposer Extermination Hail Divine Intolerance Butchered Records Storming 2010 EP from this Italian blackened death metal horde which has a limited but extremely powerful output of material.
Infernal Coil Wounds Never Close Within A World Forgotten Profound Lore Records Killer album from a band that split up too early. 2018.
Lecherous Nocturne Psionics Occultaclysmic Willowtip 2018. Lecherous Nocturne's unique blend of blackened, convulsing riffs and rhythmic acrobatics always produces a uniquely violent experience.
VILLAINOUS TEMPLE Unholy Energy FILL CREATION WITH ABUSE TRANSYLVANIAN RECORDINGS 2023 release from this Portland blackened death force.
Hexalter Sacramental Weapon Ov Fire Forced Reincarnation Self Released 2022 EP. Another blazing fast black metal act from Portland.
Lvcifyre Blood of Az The Broken Seal Dark Descent Records 2021.
Setherial Guardians of the Gates of Flame Hell Eternal Napalm 1999 album that remains one of the most relentlessly blasting black metal albums ever released.
Arkona Christianblood For Pagan Might Nocturnal Arkonian Hordes Eclipse Productions 2002.
Night of the World Throatcrush Drive the Knife or Yourself Deeper Folter Records 2013.
In Battle Storms of War The Rage of the Northmen Napalm 1998. A contender for the most furious blastfest in the black metal genre, a landmark album.
Antaeus Here Is Punishment Blood Libels Norma Evangelium Diaboli The most furious and punishing of all the Orthodox black metal bands, a masterpiece by any measure.
Marduk Blood of the Funeral Memento Mori Century Media Brand new release, Marduk's 15th career full-length. Obviously, one of the forerunners in this style.
Octinomos Nuclear Blitz Welcome To My Planet Baphomet Epic but relentless 1999 release.