
This is a special addition of TBA as I'll be accompanied in the studio by a young man named Aaron Woodruff. Aaron is a student at UCD. Considering the show takes place in the wee hours of the morning, I'll do my best to make sure he stays awake! The weekly top ten list will be comprised of quotes made by various dictators over the years. An interview with Saddam Hussein will follow. Switching over to the weather, we'll zero in on the rather unpleasant summer weather conditions experienced down in Death Valley, CA. As summer is soon drawing to a close, I thought it might be pertinent to cover an article appearing in "Live Science" referencing how the change in seasons affect us (and other animals). The subject matter will then change drastically as a gentleman named Robert Wadlow will enter the scene. Mr. Wadlow was the tallest known man to ever walk the planet. At 8'11", he was quite humble and was an expert in not taking himself too seriously. He was part of a traveling circus - the circus (also known as a "freak show") passed through my fathers home town (Humboldt, IA) in 1935. My dad was five years old at the time and he still remembers seeing Mr. Wadlow. If I have time, I'll play an episode of "Pat Novak For Hire". This was a popular radio detective series starring Jack Webb of Dragnet fame. The episode was first aired on 02.20.49...



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Monday 9/11/2023 @ 12:00AM - 2:00AM
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