This, That And the Other


The focus of today's show will be on country music that packed it's bags, left Nashville behind and headed west to California during (roughly) the 1930's - 1950's. Driving factors - the Dust Bowl - folks from the drought plagued High Plains made their way to California seeking whatever work they might find - country music followed them west. During World War II, manufacturing jobs were plentiful - factories converted their products to war related infrastructure - this brought multitudes of folks out to the west coast - often from the deep south - various sub genres of the blues, honky tonk and hillbilly/country music came along for the ride. Another factor at play was the Hollywood film making industry. Singing cowboys such as Gene Autrey, Roy Rogers and Tex Ritter appeared in movies with alarming frequency. I suppose I could sum the above up by making note that music in general springs around akin to a Mexican Jumping Bean!



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Wednesday 6/07/2023 @ 3:00PM - 4:30PM
Arkie Shibley Hot Rod Race Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Betsy Gay Hound Dog Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Billy Hughes Buckaroos Take Your Hands Off It (Birthday Cake) Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Casey Simmons Juke Box Boogie Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Jimmy Walker High Geared Daddy Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Deuce Spriggins Who Broke the Lock on the Henhouse Door Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Dusty Taylor Ranger Boogie Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
George Stogner Hard Top Race Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Jimmy Walker Detour Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Jimmy Bryant Jelly Beans Daddy Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Leodie Jackson Stealin' the Blues Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Les Anderson And I Shook Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Luke Willis Four or Five Times Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Porky Freeman Boogie Woogie Boy Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Red Murell Get That Chip Off Your Shoulder Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
T. Texas Tyler Divorce Me C.O.D. Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Tem Martin Hominy Grits Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Tin Ear Tanner I Used to Work in Chicago Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Jimmie Dolan Tennessee Baby Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Truman Duff Rouge River Boogie Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Zeke Clements Oklahoma Blues Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Maddox Bros. and Rose Sally Let Your Bangs Hang Down Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Tommy Duncari Who Drank the Beer (While I was in the Rear) Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Brad King You Ain't Got My Number Anymore Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Cliffie Stone Knock on Wood Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Merl Lindsay Shimmy Shakin' Daddy Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies
Maddox Bros. and Rose I Wish I was a Single Girl Again Swinging Hollywood Hillbilly Cowboys - The West Coast Indies