This Week


a show about our local indie scene:

who are they?

what do they sound like?

where are they playing?




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Wednesday 6/07/2023 @ 9:00AM - 9:30AM
ash relics lonely for you ash relics 2 ash relics
beans sousa palomino, my amigo wild house crossing let em run foundation
agouti dragons nodes agouti
jenner fox tooth tooth the thumb records
ismay stranger in the barn stranger in the barn ismay
the live oaks maybe later early daze evan lanam
the brothers comatose when it all falls apart turning up the ground swamp jam records
margo cilker barbed wire (belly crawl) barbed wire (belly crawl) fluff and gravy records under license from margo cilker
qiensave la poderosa la poderosa qiensave
grover anderson save the world the optimist gaucho frog records