
I'll begin by playing a segment of a show known as "The Louisana Hayride". It was a popular live radio/tv program broadcasting on KWKH, Shreveport, Louisiana between 1948 - 1960. My weekly top ten list (actually the list will include 13 entries) will notate the winners of the Tour de France from it's inception in 1903 to 2022. Names of the winners, length of time to complete the race and total distance of the race (it differs from year to year) will comprise the list. I'll talk about the four cyclists who  died during the race as well. Did you know Davis has the highest percentage of bicycle commuters in the country? It's true! I'll narrow in on that "slice of pie" as well. Speaking of slices of pie, do you remember the Nut Tree down in Vacaville before it became a commercialized eyesore?  It was run by Helen Harbison who graduated from UC Davis in 1910. We'll learn about the rise and fall of that iconic business. Next, I'll relay to the KDVS listening audience some memories my friend, Peter Givens wrote about when he and his family would head up highway 50 to spend summers at their cabin on Alder Creek near the town of Kyburz in the Sierra Nevada mountains.. Kyburz is located about 90 miles east of Davis.  He remembers heading up to the cabin in the family car - a 1952 Mercurcy convertible. I'll read an essay revolving around one man's love of independent radio stations - I'm sure our KDVS listening audience can relate to that! 



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Monday 6/12/2023 @ 12:00AM - 2:00AM
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