"Dude, When's The Last Time You've Been To Magic Mountain?"

Mr. Dirt Bike

Mr. Dirt Bike faces a brief existential crisis after he realizes that he can only recall two specific lines from "Strange Brew"-- his fears are assauged, however, after he finds he is still able to hum the entire theme song from memory.



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MP3 320kbps, broadband

Tuesday 10/22/2019 @ 6:00AM - 8:00AM
Douglas Leedy Entropical Paradise I Entropical Paradise The full version-- there's a heavily abridged one swimming around on some compilations.
Douglas Leedy Entropical Paradise II Entropical Paradise
Douglas Leedy White Landscape Entropical Paradise
Douglas Leedy The Harmonarium Entropical Paradise
Douglas Leedy Star Engine Entropical Paradise
Douglas Leedy Doria Entropical Paradise