The 6th Dimension


HIV subbing in for my friend Opal today.

Tonight's show will be jarring for all parties involved.

※ Some metal, some hardcore, some experimental ambient stuff

pictured: Sean McCabe and his band Ink & Dagger, somewhere in Pennsylvania 

 See you there



Missed the Show?

MP3 320kbps, broadband

Wednesday 7/12/2017 @ 12:00AM - 2:00AM
khorne karachi we begin e.p the birth. the beginning.
ink and dagger full circle 7" obscure vampire cult punk from philly, so good. RIP sean.
xiu xiu wig master the air force don't make fun of my night out
daniel johnston casper the friendly ghost demo
ceremony citizen zoo
cro mags sign of the times age of quarell HARE KRISHNA NYHC
skinny puppy assimilate bites
burzum dunkelheit filosofem
darkthrone where the cold wind blows a blaze in the northern sky
taake 4 nattestid
whipping boy fukked up the sound of no hands clapping obscure 80s hc featuring the legendary eugene robinson
candlemass bewitched nightfall dead from mayhem makes an appearance in the music video
bathory equimanthorn under the sign of the black mark
sunn o))) sin nanna black one
munkar this is the face of deliverance an'al haq doom metal from pakistan, representing
enslaved entrance escape mardraum
burzum lost wisdom demo "he tried, but he failed. miserably. obviously, he's dead"
the christ analogue i believe in slavery tape
poison idea lifestyles king of punk
dusk fortress of solitude my infinite nature alone oldest pakistani metal band that i know of, so obscure
100 demons forsaken in the eyes of the lord some might say "the heaviest band in punk"
celtic frost incantation against you (bonus track) monotheist
jenny hval female vampire blood bitch
dionysus bathing in unholy blood hymn to the dying more pakistani metal
nectarium the moon is a pearl tangelina