The 6th Dimension


Starlite Lounge closed and it sucks. To commemorate all the times we laughed, cried, and head banged I will be playing the mind bending music of bands that graced their stage tomorrow night on the 6th Dimension. I will be accompanied by Anthony Siino who was generous enough to share with me all the great vinyls and cassettes he has purchased over the years from Starlite shows. Join us as we celebrate the good times and mourn the loss of an awesome performance space. 

If you wanna chat live with other listeners and your host DJ, don't be shy, check out the IRC! (internet relay chat) here: The 6th Dimension IRC



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MP3 320kbps, broadband

Wednesday 6/28/2017 @ 12:00AM - 2:00AM
VRTRA Perpetually Hag Ridden 2016
Spectral Voice For Whom the Funeral Bell Tolls
Hell Foetorem Timere Hell/Mizmor Split
Cura Cochino La Dissecion
Battle Hag The Book of Thoth
Subrosa Troubled Cellss
Bell Witch Beneath the Mask
The Body Hail to thee, Everlasting Pain
Castle Second Coming
Defecrator Satatonic Martyrdom
Not Sorry, I was in a tunnel
Chrch Stargazer