mahou shoujo

Dr. Kelp

pop punk mainly


Fantastical & Phantasmagorical

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MP3 320kbps, broadband

Tuesday 6/28/2016 @ 2:30PM - 4:30PM
jaco:neco kuroi tenshi jaco:neco meldac
super junky monkey po po bar cabbage riot
nunu box-man test benten bentoh vol. 2 benten
droop x am go loye loye benten
the squeaks be well good girls don't! xxxtra koga
broken doll stand at the rooftop good girls don't! neo koga
melancholic hatch benten hokkai bentoh benten
guinny vamps the things cool head 7"
psychagogo salvation army-ish love good girls don't! koga
mummy the peepshow skip! skip! electric roller girl benten
mix market beauty sleep chronicle grooovie drunker
the automatics yesterday's children battle fever a.t. koga
teeny frahoop eat candy wee wee pop koga
buli cattle dog shining buli benten
the playmates lipstick sweetly koga
the clicks reticient boy, talkative girl come to vivid girl's room! koga
dizzy yoghurt maria inside out upside down koga
gollbetty hate made hikaru soul fresh!! run run run
capris let's go surfin' good girls don't! neo koga
hnc (hazel nuts chocolate) next m cult white lily
the cistems teen's pop ??? b-side castle
ketchup mania 200 miles away everytime music freak toy's factory
jimmy pops goes around, hunts around love hunt koga
browny circus week end good girls don't! koga
weezie and moelies flower and the crown single grapefruit moon
totos film good girls don't! neo koga
the shrimps koko kara no kimi ni benten asia bentoh benten
karune. orange marmalade benten hokkai bentoh benten
the kokesshies go straight ahead kokeshi highway benten bentoh vol 2 benten