mahou shoujo

Dr. Kelp

psych/free jazz/experimental


Fantastical & Phantasmagorical

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MP3 320kbps, broadband

Tuesday 4/26/2016 @ 1:00PM - 2:30PM
flower travellin' band twenty first century schizoid man anywhere phillips
food brain the hole in a sausage social gathering polydor
apryl fool the lost mother land apryl fool blow up
lacrymosa the resurrection bugbear sse
flied egg dr. siegel's flied egg shooting machine dr. siegel's flied egg shooting machine vertigo/phillips
yuya uchida & the flowers intruder challenge! columbia
kitajima osamu fur, fin and feather osamu antilles/island
angel'in heavy syrup voyage angel'in heavy syrup iv alchemy
water fai square pit water fai circle white shoe(?)