mahou shoujo

Dr. Kelp

do you like shoegaze?

oh..well. this is going to be awkward. 



Fantastical & Phantasmagorical

Missed the Show?

MP3 320kbps, broadband

Tuesday 5/19/2015 @ 1:00PM - 2:30PM
civic toilet paper toilet monster happy prince
shinda boku no kanojo underdrawing for three forms of unhappiness underdrawing for three forms of unhappiness n_ingen
the earth earth queen's secret dead matador's funeral dead funny
boyfriend's dead cluster anorak shoegazer high fader
lily of the valley soleil my secret garden happy prince
plastic girl in closet spring snow a.y.a. only feedback
sugardrop breeze flower yeah right high fader
shojoskip tedukurinotori cosodorokitsune guell
bp. tomato bazooka the new bp. meguro
caucus light in beneath the dark colors fate
clams circulation sakura river finderpop
cosmicdust meditation snow noise assemblage self-released
dimmdivision. nightflight a day in the panoramagic. dmd
luminous orange untold songs of innocence zankyo
maikotobranco detail invisible grey sky small finger