Unspeakable Cults


"This may seem strange to you. Our squires and poorer footmen discovered a trick of the Saracens, for they learned that they could find [gold coins] in the stomachs and intestines of the dead Saracens, who had swallowed them. Thus, after several days they burned a great heap of dead bodies, that they might more easily get the precious metal from the ashes. Moreover, Tancred broke into the temple of the Lord and most wrongfully stole much gold and silver..."

"Afterward, all, clergy and laymen, went to the Sepulcher of the Lord and His glorious temple, singing the ninth chant. With fitting humility, they repeated prayers and made their offering at the holy places that they had long desired to visit..." - Fulcher of Chartres

"Go forth confidently then, you knights, and repel the foes of the cross of Christ with a stalwart heart. Know that neither death nor life can separate you from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ, and in every peril repeat, "Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's." What a glory to return in victory from such a battle! How blessed to die there as a martyr! Rejoice, brave athlete, if you live and conquer in the Lord; but glory and exult even more if you die and join your Lord. Life indeed is a fruitful thing and victory is glorious, but a holy death is more important than either. If they are blessed who die in the Lord, how much more are they who die for the Lord!" - Bernard of Clairvaux

Wherever the fanatic is impelled by his intoxicating faith to the slaughter and degradation of the enemy, there is The Malefactor, poisoning the soul with the essence of pernicious delusion.   

Tonight, the triumphant arrival of the new knighthood comes under the banner of Sarpanitum, whose mighty work crushes the heathen beneath a booted heel and uplifts the spirit towards exultation.

Behold the Malefactor's unholy presence here.

After airing, the first hour can be streamed from the "Missed the show?" link.  The final two hours can be accessed here.  

Bands and labels, submit your music for airplay to: 
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
ATTN: Metal Department 

Artist (right): Emile Signol, 1847.


Ambient & Hardcore & Metal & Spoken Word

Missed the Show?

MP3 320kbps, broadband

Tuesday 2/17/2015 @ 11:00PM - 12:00AM
Sarpanitum Komenos Blessed Be My Brothers... Willowtip Majestic, architectural opening instrumental to what is sure to be one of the best efforts of 2015. Sarpanitum have produced a masterwork. In stores today.
Sarpanitum Blessed Be My Brothers Blessed Be My Brothers... Willowtip The crushing, melodic and completely overwhelming closer to this phenomenal album. Guaranteed to inspire vows of Holy War on the spot.
Visigoth The Revenant King The Revenant King Metal Blade Excellent full-length debut of epic heavy metal.
Cannibal Corpse Rotten Body Landslide The Wretched Spawn Metal Blade Put on a solid show last week at the Fillmore in San Francisco.
Axis of Advance Evanescent Judgement of the Last Era Strike Death To Mankind 2001 release of unique war metal featuring members of Revenge.
Origin Portal Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas Relapse Another strong recent live show.
Nekromantheon The Usurper Command Rise, Vulcan Spectre Indie Recordings 2012.
Stargazer Old Tea A Merging To The Boundless Nuclear War Now Productions Killer 2014 release, like an immensely more True version of Augury.
Dawn of Dreams Hell Beneath Darklight Awakening Last Episode 2000 release of top-quality death/black metal.
Necronomicon Behind the Mask The Sacred Medicines Skyscraper 2003.
Marduk Thousand-Fold Death Frontschwein Century Media Brand new release!
Darkenhold The Bulwarks Warlords Castellum Les Acteurs De L'ombre 2014 release of melodic black metal.
Infernal War The Grand Intolerance Manifestation Terrorfront Agonia Preparing their new release, Axiom, for an April debut. Thanks for the request!
Maniac Butcher Masakr Krvavy Pro Plneni Zajmuch Vyssich I rezniceni Nadbytecne Pro Kojeni Puduch Nizkych Masakr Negative Existence 2010.
Seance Sanctum Saltrubbed Eyes Cargo Cult 1993 release of atypically brutal Swedish death metal.
Kreator Catholics Despot Cause For Conflict Noise Forgotten 1995 album, a surprising rebound from the bankrupt Renewal.
Internal Bleeding Patterns of Force III. Aftermath Imperium Unique Leader 2014 return from the New York Death Metal legends.
Septycal Gorge Deeds of Eternity Scourge of the Formless Breed Comatose Music An unusual track on this strong 2014 album, showcasing a creative side of the band.
Antaeus Words As Weapons Blood Libels Ajna 2006 masterpiece. Playing in Oakland at the Metro on April 4th.
Necrosadist Rising From The Earth Abstract Satan Daemon Worship Productions Barbaric and hyperblasting 2011 black metal album.
Rhadamanthys Another Dimension Midnight Skies Self Released 2014.
Mors Principium Est Sinners Defeat Liberation=Termination Listenable Records Melodeath with keyboards.
Artificial Brain Labyrinth Constellation Labyrinth Constellation Profound Lore 2014.
Napalm Death How The Years Condemn Apex Predator - Easy Meat Century Media Brand new release!
Bleeding Corpse Carnivore of Malignant Condemned To Suffer Groupies Merch 2014.
Internal Suffering Beyond The Mystic Portal of Madness Supreme Knowledge Domain Displeased 2000 debut, crushing far ahead of its time.
Mortician Fog of Death Hacked Up For Barbecue Relapse 1996.
Blind Illusion Blood Shower The Sane Asylum Combat 1988.
Twisted Tower Dire At Night Crest of the Martyrs Spiritual Beast 2003.
Skelator Stronger Than Steel King of Fear Swords and Chains 2014 release of true old school power metal.
Gatekeeper Bell of Tarantia From the upcoming split 7" with Funeral Circle. Not to be missed.