Prog Rock Palace

Curtis Carroll & Professor Markuss Prog & Rock Shurewood

Today's show is just a smidge shorter. I will shoehorn in as much good stuff as I can, including Gryphon, Djam Karjet, Eric Norlander and an Improbably Proggy choice from...Bauhaus? It's true. Even some uplifting "sun" music from Yes, to get us through these dark days. Comments, requests and questions to


Progressive Rock

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Saturday 12/13/2014 @ 12:00PM - 2:00PM
Eric Norlander Astrology Gallactic Collection Waking Dream US
Gryphon Opening Move Red Queen to Gryphon Three Transatlantic Rec. UK
Djam Karjet Red Thread A Night for Baku Cuniform US So. Cal area
KingBathmat Behind the Wall Truth Button Streohead Rec. US So. Cal area
Nosound Someone Starts to Fade Away Lightdark Kscope From Italy
Bauhaus Who Killed Mr. Moonlight Burning from the Inside Beggers Banquet UK Their break-up album
Yes The Ancient: Giants under the Sun Tales from Topographic Oceans Atlantic Rec. UK Some sun imagry for these dark December days