mahou shoujo

Dr. Kelp

do you like punk? do you like... post? i'm not sure where i was going with this.
  but wait, there's more!


Fantastical & Phantasmagorical

Missed the Show?

MP3 320kbps, broadband

Tuesday 10/07/2014 @ 1:00PM - 2:30PM
moonriders muboubitoshi camera=mannenhitsu crown 1980
totsuzen danbooru goukin to hamu yokushi onryoku wax records 1991
aburadako tyranno no hikuchi aburadako japan record 1985
phew signal phew pass records 1981
E.D.P.S. chippoke Impossibles! 80's Japanese Punk and New Wave tokuma
ankoku tairiku jagatara agitation nanban torai doctor record 1982
EP-4 tide gauge lingua franca-1 columbia 1983
metro farce nashi kuzushi opera barizanveaux kitchen 1983
chiko hige fueinto trap telegraph(?) 1985
s-ken mato mato columbia 1981
allergy tsuihousha el dorado japan record 1985
auto-mod light -kaihou he no michi- bible wechselbalg syndicate (telegraph) 1985
mirrors shogeki-x 7 inch gozira records 1978
mr. kite kyouhansha 7 inch gozira records 1978
momoyo&lizard sa ka na 7 inch transformer(?) 1980
friction automatic fru atsureki pass 1980