Raise the Dead

The Blasphemer

it has a philosophy

and that is what makes it dangerous..


The Metal

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Saturday 11/11/2023 @ 12:00AM - 2:00AM
Helleruin evils, Death and Dark Arts Devils, Death and Dark Arts Self Released
Путь Так пела метель Песни смерти Self Released
Faidra Mother Acherontia Militant : Penitent : Triumphant Northern Silence Productions
Impalement Satan's Fire in My Eyes The Impalement Self Released
Amalekim The Disease Avodah Zarah Avantgarde Music
Nahasheol Arcanum Mortuus Serpens Abyssi Wolves of Hades
Kalt Vindur Agonizing Luminosity Magna Mater The Circle Music
Hexcastle Journey of the Dead I - Souls in Fire Eyes of the Wolf Canti Eretici
Serpents Oath Purification through Fire Revelation Odium Records
Loth Ad Libitum 616 Specific Recordings
Malum Into the Vast Horizon In Nauseam Self Released
Nyrst Völd Völd Dark Essence Records
Mörkvind Wyrd Wyrd Self Released