It's About You!

France Kassing

Some of us are old enough to remember our family doctor coming to see us at home.  My two guests today are physicians who left their practice have written books about their experience as well as their observations on our current Health System. Dr. Kozel, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, left practice after seventeen years, and is currently teaching high school chemistry in the Providence area. She is the author of The Color of Atmosphere: One Doctor's Journey In and Out of Medicine,Chelsea Green Publishing. Dr. Frederick M. Barken is a primary care physician.  He practiced solo Internal Medicine in rural upstate New York for nearly 25 years, until unfavorable trends in US health care policy made that practice no longer a possibility.  Upon leaving practice he set out to write about his professional experiences and to record his reflections on the practice of primary care medicine. His book is titled Out of Practice: Fighting for Primary Care Medicine in America Cornell University Press.

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Monday 3/14/2011 @ 8:30AM - 9:30AM
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