Intercourse on Intercourse


Miss Major  came on the day before the Transgender Day of Rememberance last year to talk about her work with the Transgender, Gender Variant and Intersex Justice Project. That interview never aired, so I thought now, with the ACLU calling attention to the rampant sexual abuse perpetrated against folks that are detained by the law in some way, whether it be ICE, the prison system, or the juvenile detention system.

From TGIJP's facebook page (!/pages/TGI-Justice-Project-TGIJP/80364496444?v=info&ref=ts)

The TGI Justice Project's (TGIJP) mission is to challenge and end the human rights abuses committed against transgender, gender variant/genderqueer and intersex (TGI) people in California prisons and beyond.

Recognizing that poverty borne from profound and pervasive discrimination and marginalization of TGI people is a major underlying cause of why TGI people end up in prison, TGIJP addresses human rights abuses against TGI prisoners through strategies that effect systemic change. Thus, TGIJP uses innovative combinations of direct services and community organizing to support the leadership development and capacity building of the TGI communities, and especially of TGI prisoners and former prisoners.

Because of the profound and complex impact the prison industrial complex has had on the disabled, poor communities, communities of color and TGI communities, TGIJP operates at the intersections of race, gender, sex, class, sexual orientation, intersexuality, and ability, among others. In doing this work, TGIJP prioritizes and centralizes the wisdom and leadership of TGI prisoners and former prisoners. 

TGIJP's website:


The story I read about Prison Rape:

Other articles from Colorlines on the issue:


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Friday 9/03/2010 @ 8:30AM - 9:30AM
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