
UC Davis Boxing Club

Minwoo Chang, KDVS News reporter, discusses how the UC Davis Boxing Club has come a long way. The club is one of the biggest on campus and includes membership from national champions. This news brief was part of the Monday segment from 2.9.2015 Image from: pixgood.com/...

UC Davis Dining Commons

This news brief discusses how UC Davis' dining commons are different compared to general restaurants. Interviews with students, professors, and staff are also included. Image from: www.skwarchitects.com/...

Jewish Fraternity Vandalism

Rebecca Miller, KDVS News reporter, interviewed divestment movement members who shared their thoughts on the recent vandalism of Jewish Fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi. Image from: Davis Wiki...

Monday Segment 2.2.2015

This segment includes coverage on how the drought has affected farmers in the area, an ASUCD senate meeting on divestment, and the use of virtual reality simulations in todays research. Image from: www.thedailysheeple.com/...

Monday Segment 1.26.15

In this segment we discuss a story on no female genius portrayal in major TV shows and movies, a cover of the community meeting with the Davis police that happened last week, and an inside look at Obama's state of the union (interviews with professors at UC Davis). Image from:...

Sacramento’s Arden Protest, an Interview

Chandler Lavin, a KDVS staff member, interviewed organizers of protests in Sacramento looking at how the demonstrations are being treated by media and police. Part of this interview was featured on our KDVS news broadcast 12.8. You can hear the entire interview here. Image from KCRA News....

Brown and Garner Protests at UC Davis

UC Davis students protest last week in response to the court decisions of the death of Eric Garner and Mike Brown. Protests were held around campus, such as the Quad, Olson Hall last week. I-80 freeway exit was also blocked by protesters. Kamila Kudelska reports....