Unspeakable Cults


The arrival of the Malefactor's legions is heralded by the hungry carrion birds, anticipating the carnage to come.  The first of the three beasts of war, the wolf, the eagle, and the raven - the raven, whose dark countenance bespoke its dwelling place in the realms of the dead.  The raven, whose flight carried messages to the hanged god, his bloody master. Tonight, Wothanaz rejoins Unspeakable Cults after a year in the dark regions of the world.  Another uncommon ghoul slinks about in the shadows, furtively preparing chains of ice for unwary souls...

Behold the Malefactor's unholy online presence here.

Bands and labels, submit your music for airplay to:
KDVS Metal Department
14 Lower Freeborn Hall
Davis, CA 95616


Ambient & Metal & Spoken Word

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Thursday 12/20/2012 @ 12:00AM - 2:00AM
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