Unspeakable Cults


The might of Winter is not unlike the matchless power of the great bear, whose massive bulk and puissant sinews, when unleashed, reap the most bounteous of prizes: flesh, blood, and life itself.  Berserkers in times past referred to their frenzied state as "wearing the bear shirt." Their death-rage was an ecstatic offering to the Hanged God, he with one eye, whose messengers wear the black cloaks of ravens.

 Tonight, the Malefactor summons the power of the beast in releases by Murder Construct, Incantation, and many more...

 Behold the Malefactor's unholy online presence here.

Bands and labels, submit your music for airplay to:
KDVS Metal Department
14 Lower Freeborn Hall
Davis, CA 95616


Ambient & Metal & Spoken Word

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Thursday 12/13/2012 @ 12:00AM - 2:00AM
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