Sovereignty Sound


 The D-Q University Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for February 18th at D-Q University starting at 11AM.

Thursday, February 9, 2012 –The Mobs of Minnesota:
Three Native America men were arrested recently and are suspected of being the leaders of the Native Mob, considered to be one of the most organized and violent gangs in Indian Country. The indictments against the gang members list offenses such as attempted murder, drive-by shootings, pistol whippings, assaults and illegal narcotics distribution. Are gangs in Indian Country getting more violent? What is it about gangs that attract our Native youth? Invited guests include Christopher Grant, Native Gang Specialist and Natay Carroll (Navajo), Former Gang Member/Activist.

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Thursday 2/09/2012 @ 9:30AM - 12:00PM
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